Sunday, March 7, 2010

Life in Utah

It has been a long time since I updated our blog. We are dong great here in Utah. Heavenly Father has blessed our family in so many ways. We have a beautiful home in Manti and we only live 3 blocks from the elementary school that I teach at and Ethan and Malia attend. We can see the Manti Temple from our bathroom window. I started my Masters program last October and will complete it one month before EricRoss gets home from his mission in Peru. EricRoss is loving his mission and growing so much. We love to get he's emails on Monday morning. Makenna has really enjoyed her first year of high school in Manti. She has played soccer,basketball and just started track. Eric's health is a struggle but he is working hard to maintain it. It has been blessing to be back at the University of Utah CF clinic.